Monday, September 30, 2019

French Revolution: Ultimately a Failure

Liberte, Egalite, and Fraternite were the main principles of the French revolution. However, it was a time where these three ideals would be twisted into nothing more than moral and physical violence. The revolution was ultimately a failure which spun out of control and began to murder itself. The French wanted Freedom from its absolutist ruler, but in turn saw themselves being governed by the devil. These citizens wanted a sense of brotherhood amongst their country, but saw their nation being torn apart by violence.Furthermore, the third estate sought to benefit from a new government that promised equality; however, the result was a further imbalance in an already corrupt society. Ironically, the gruesome reign of terror which was fabricated by the French government, contradicted the ideals of which the very revolution stood for, further illustrating the utter failure of this event. In the beginning, the French saw the revolution as a way to improve their lives, but this path quickl y turned into a horrifying ascent into oblivion, which aside from immense suffering, achieved nothing.During the reign of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, revolutionary ideas flourished through the age of enlightenment. However, Louis made a crucial mistake by aiding the American Revolution; although it was a military success, it was an economic failure. France was bankrupt and the people were starving; they watched as their monarchs, nobles and aristocracy live a life of luxury and wealth while they suffered through poverty, drastically changing how the citizens perceived their monarch. Soon this resentment transformed into pure hatred and nothing could be done to change their minds.Before long the people revolted and Louis’ powers were stripped away, a new man was then put in his place, Robespierre. Maximilien Francois Marie Isidore de Robespierre was a man who had great power and abused it; to some he was â€Å"The Incorruptible†, but in reality was a blood thir sty dictator. As a young man, he studied the law and held a reputation for honesty and compassion. He sought to abolish the death penalty and refused to pronounce a required death sentence after becoming a judge : A victor who kills his captive enemies is called a barbarian!A grown man who kills a child that he could disarm and punish seems to us a monster! An accused man condemned by society is nothing else for it but a defeated and powerless enemy. Before it, he is weaker than a child before a grown man — to erase from the code of the French the blood laws that command judicial murders, and that their morals and their new constitution reject. I want to prove to them: 1- that the death penalty is essentially unjust and, 2- that it isn’t the most repressive of penalties and that it multiplies crimes more than it prevents them.However, as the revolution progressed so did his ideas; he soon became the head of the Jacobin club, a radical group who advocated exile or death for the French nobility. By this time the once soft and kind-hearted man, was now replaced by one who had developed a great love of power along with a reputation of intolerance, self-righteousness and cruelty . Robespierre quickly came to a conclusion that the end would justify the means, and that in order to defend the revolution against those who would destroy it, the shedding of blood was justified.Merlin de Thionville who was a member of several French legislative bodies said commented that: â€Å"In those days so rotten had France become that a bloody mountebank without talent or courage, whose name was Robespierre, made every citizen tremble under his tyranny†. The French now lived under fear and oppression of a man who no longer cared for the people of the revolution but rather the revolution itself. Using his great oratory skills he successfully demanded the execution of the king and queen without fair trial or judgement, saying that â€Å"Louis must die so that the revolution may live†.In January 1973 Louis XVI was executed, followed by his wife ten months later. By his own words he had become a monster, â€Å"A victor who kills his captive enemies is called a barbarian† . A nation cannot be one when the people do not believe in the ideals of the government. The revolution was merely a civil war which pitted citizens against one another. While many people believed in the revolution, they did not accept the extremist ideas of the Jacobins, and for that thousands of ordinary people were targeted and killed.The September Massacres was a subsequent mass killing of prisoners, after news that the Prussian Army had invaded France. On September 3, 1792, crowds of French citizens stormed into the prisons where they attacked prisoners and refractory clergy, regardless of their status as counter revolutionary. An account of this event by Nicolas-Edme Restif illustrates the torture the citizens inflicted on the prisoners who were their †Å"brothers†: There had been a pause in the murders. Something was going on inside. . . . I told myself that it was over at last.Finally, I saw a woman appear, as white as a sheet, being helped by a turnkey. They said to her harshly: â€Å"Shout ‘Vive la nation! ‘† â€Å"No! No! † she said. They made her climb up on a pile of corpses. One of the killers grabbed the turnkey and pushed him away. â€Å"Oh! † exclaimed the ill-fated woman, â€Å"do not harm him! † They repeated that she must shout â€Å"Vive la nation! † With disdain, she refused. Then one of the killers grabbed her, tore away her dress, and ripped open her stomach. She fell, and was finished off by the others. Never could I have imagined such horror. I wanted to run, but my legs gave way.I fainted. When I came to, I saw the bloody head. Someone told me they were going to wash it, curl its hair, stick it on the end of a pike, and carry it past the windows of the Temple . What pointless cruelty! . . The number of active killers who took part in the massacres was about one hundred and fifty. The rest of Paris looked on with fear or approval, and the rest behind closed shutters, signifying the destruction of unity through the people. With a country whose citizens mercilessly killed one another, how could the French have a sense of Fraternite amongst themselves?A Nation is not united under fear and death but rather through peace and prosperity, which was clearly the opposite of the French Revolution. Equality was promised to the third estate, but the revolution did not create a balance. What it did was further upset the structure of society. In turn the first and second estate was removed from power, and the bourgeoisie put in their place. The rest of the third estate which included the peasants and the working class (sans-culottes), were left with nothing: They were the working people, the farmers, the shop owners, the trades people, the artisans, an d even the factory workers.They were among the prominent losers of the first, more subtle revolution. While the middle class and wealthy classes benefitted greatly from the revolution, the sans-culottes saw their livelihoods disappearing and inflation driving them to fight for survival. The sans-culottes and peasants were generally poor and had little power, they could not vote, hold office, or own land because they did not have the means to do so. Since they could not own land, peasants were angry that they had traded one master for another; once again they had found themselves at the bottom of the ladder.The Sans-culottes atoned for this by aligning themselves with the Jacobins. While this alliance gave them a facade of power, they were nothing more than henchmen to a group of radical thinkers who needed people to do their dirty work. However, at the end, many of the Sans-culottes found themselves imprisoned and executed by the very revolutionary tribunals that they had supported. The revolution gave nothing more than an illusion of what the common masses craved; while the first and second estates were gone, a new powerful and cruel organization made up of the bourgeoisie were put in their place.The Reign of Terror was designed to fight the enemies of the revolution; with that in mind the revolution was no longer about freedom, equality and brotherhood, but rather an extremist form of revolutionary ideals. Anyone who had not aligned themselves with the Jacobin rule or had talent and power were seen as a threat to the new revolution, they were subsequently dubbed as traitors and sentenced to the guillotine. For the first time in history, terror became an official government policy, with the intent to use violence to achieve political goals.In the course of this reign the new regime managed to execute thousands of people who were considered as having the potential to stand up or overthrow the government. Through this, scores of influential people were falsely accused. In one particular execution, a woman by the name of Mme Roland uttered the words that have been immortalized by history, â€Å"O Liberty, what crimes are committed in thy name†. She was right, the revolution had abused and committed crimes against not only the idea of liberte, but also of egalite and fraternite.Every person who placed their head upon the guillotine, were there because the three ideals which the revolution stood for were corrupted to support the extremist views of the Jacobins. The modern era has unfolded the shadows of the French revolution. Ultimately this time period did not bring any successes, but rather the opposite. The revolution was purely the product of a few conspiratorial individuals who brainwashed the masses into subverting the old order. The promises of egalite, equalite, and fraternite, were soon lost as violence and bloodshed set in.The French were eager to be free of the constricting class system and absolute monarchy. However, the p eople found themselves under the rule of a man who oppressed the people into an absolute state of obedience. Furthermore, the French wanted a sense of unity throughout their country, but instead resorted to the brutal murders of their own people. Ultimately, this reformation was caused by an upset in the balance of equality amongst the classes. The third estate was promised equal status by the revolution, but in the end only the bourgeoisie emerged victorious.Ironically, the reign of terror distorted the three main ideals for which the revolution stood for. Through the guidance of corrupted leaders, these ideas were washed away in bloodshed. The French revolution is an usurpation of power gone wrong, at the end of this ten year period, nothing was gained, yet everything was lost. The people who once saw this transformation as the answer to an oppressive regime soon realized that had simply set themselves up for a meeting with death.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis Essay

Their Eyes Were Watching God Literary Analysis Essay In 1936 when Zorn Neal Hurst first started to compose her award winning novel Their Eyes Were Watching God she deliberately fashioned the aforesaid work so that Its textual structure created anticipation amongst Its readers. She did this by including great adversity for the main character Jeanie to overcome. Jeanie became entangled in the oppressive powers of early 20th century marriage. That of which constrained her for the greater part of the novel.Going from man to man only intuiting the tyrannical cycle of being property. Throughout the course of the novel the reader wants Jeanie to find herself and break free. This creates anticipation within the reader. The reader was present during the beatings and the harassment Jeanie experienced. The only reason why the reader is in fact still reading is because of the anticipation he or she has building up inside of them. They only want the best for Jeanie and they want to be with her wh en she experiences it. All of the hardships and perils Jeanie experiences must lead up to something.It is through all the adversity hat Jeanie perseveres through that creates anticipation within the reader. Their Eyes Were Watching God was precisely articulated so that it naturally created a bit of hope Inside the reader. The reader wanted Jeanie to finally find love as well as find herself. This feeling amongst the reader first emerges when Jeanie is forced to marry Logan Clicks. â€Å"Jeanie and Logan got married in Nanny's parlor. † (Hurst 21)Jeanie just wants to have someone in her life, something to ward of the recurring loneliness she experiences. But even the reader knows that Logan Clicks is not the answer.This in itself creates anticipation. The reader at this point knows something will happen and may speculate what could occur. Essentially all that evolves out of this relationship Is Heartbreak for Jeanie. Her relationship with Logan soon dissolves despite the finan cial security he brought to the relationship. â€Å"Genie's first dream was dead, so she became a woman. † (Hurst 25) The reader knows that Genie's has partially given up on her dream of marriage but still wants her to find love. Fundamentally the whole relationship Itself with Logan Kills in turn creates anticipation amongst the reader.All of which plays a role In the reader's hope that Jeanie will find love and â€Å"all will be well In the kingdom. † In a second sequence of events Jeanie finds herself In a relationship with the ever so powerful mayor, Jody. This marriage is the foundation for more heartbreak but also more hope for the reader. It all began when Jody â€Å"slapped Jeanie until she had a ringing in her ears. † (Hurst 72) That is the turning point in their relationship. Jody had been an overbearing figure in the relationship by limiting Genie's social contact with the outside world, but never had he been oppressive In a pugnacious manner.The read er feels for Jeanie at this point. He or she more anticipation is created amongst the reader. The reader knows that something will happen further down the road. That the previous order of events foreshadows something greater. No situation Jeanie has experienced in the past has remained constant. It seems adversity is inevitable for Jeanie. This forces the reader to ponder the many possible outcomes of Jeanie and Jody relationship as well as Genie's quest for love itself. The aforesaid inevitable adversity that Jeanie experiences will once again come into play as Jeanie engages in a new relationship with Teacake.Jeanie awoke next morning by feeling Tea Cake almost kissing her breath away. Holding her and caressing her as if he feared she might escape his grasp and fly away. † (Hurst 107) The reader at this point is relaxed finally Jeanie has found a man that treats her like a woman. That respects her and seems to love her with all his heart. With all the different men that Jean ie has been with the quality that Teacake has that sets him apart from the other ones is compassion. The reader for the first time experiences one of the qualities of true love alongside of Jeanie. The novel might as well be over at his point all is well.But then again there is that everlasting feeling in the mind of the reader. Jeanie has never had everything go as planned. The reader anticipates something to go wrong. The past is ever present during Tea Cake's relationship with Jeanie when Jeanie â€Å"found out her 200 dollars was gone. † (Huston 118) Jeanie soon discovers that Teacake is also gone. This order of events creates immense anticipation in the mind of the reader. He or she asks him or herself questions like: â€Å"Did Teacake really steal her money and leave† or â€Å"will Jeanie Just finally give up on her ream of finding love. All of this anticipation and speculation on the reader's part was precisely planned by Zorn Neal Hurst to keep the reader inte rested in her novel. In her 1937 masterpiece Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zorn Neal Hurst creates great anticipation amongst the reader through her use of textual structure. By precisely ordering events Hurst is able to effectively create said anticipation. By incorporating the ever apparent theme of Genie's quest for love, into her order of events Hurst creates much anticipation amongst the reader.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Plan - Essay Example An attempt has been made to delineate the sales and market strategy for the restaurant. Finally the paper projects the cash inflows and outflows of Kids Bistro under different market conditions. Market Analysis Restaurants can broadly be classified into full service restaurants and quick service restaurants (QSRs). A full service restaurant offers a wide array of food and beverages options and table service. QSRs on the other hand have limited or no table service. The objective of these restaurants is to serve food to the customer as fast as possible. The concept of segmenting, targeting and positioning suggests that one particular organization cannot satisfy the needs of all the customers. Therefore different organizations strive to satisfy the unmet needs of a particular consumer segment in the best possible manner (Carpenter, 2005). The same concept holds true for the restaurant industry in the United States. Different restaurants strive to woo a certain section of the society. Th e prominent full service restaurants include Darden Restaurants, Dine Equity, and Brinker International Inc. Such restaurants generally appeal to the adults and families who intend to spend quality time together. Business meetings and small corporate events can also be held at such restaurants. Some of the QSRs which have an international presence and are also operating in the United States include behemoths like McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Taco Bell and Subway (Business Wire, 2006). While KFC boasts of its unique taste, McDonald’s positions itself as a family friendly, kids-oriented restaurant. Outlets like Baskin-Robbins, Domino’s Pizza and Dunkin Donuts are also frequented by kids. In addition to these outlets, there are numerous local and regional players that cater specifically to the kids or have a particular attraction for kids. Barrio offers a kids meal for $7. During some promos, the restaurant offers one free kids' meal with each adult meal that is p riced $15.   Theme restaurants attempt to target a certain segment and indulge in niche marketing. Alice's Tea Cup, American Girl Cafe, Barking Dog Luncheonette, Big Daddy's Diner, Planet Hollywood, the Burger Garage and the Rainforest Cafe are some of the players in this market. Company Description The Kids Bistro will be a theme restaurant that targets children aged between 4 and 11 years. The decor and the ambience of the restaurant will appeal to the kids. Cartoon characters will be painted on the walls and light music will be played at the Kids Bistro outlets. The restaurant will use colourful plastic furniture. Additionally, gunny bags, booster seats and high chairs would be kept at the restaurant to seat other family members who accompany the kids. Kids Bistro will be operational six days a week including Sunday. The restaurant will remain closed on Monday. The theme for Tuesday and Wednesday would be ‘fancy dress’. While children would be encouraged to visit t he restaurant in fancy dresses on these days, the staff would also be required to wear non-traditional dresses. Kids will be surprised to see ‘Superman’ taking orders behind the counter or ‘batman’ mopping the floor. The theme for Thursday and Friday would be ‘jungle’. On these days, the Kids Bistro will place numerous plastic trees and vegetations alongside the regular furniture of the restaurant. Kids will get to see snakes, birds and other insects perched

Friday, September 27, 2019

-19 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

-19 - Coursework Example Juveniles are under the influence of their parents/guardians and the environment around them. They are not mature enough to differentiate between right and wrong and so, become a victim of what they acquire from their surroundings. So, rather than punishing them, it is wiser to provide them an environment where they can be shaped to become better citizens, hence the benevolence and rehabilitation centers. Punishing juveniles would give the juveniles a criminal tag which would be hard to remove. They would consider themselves as criminals and live a life based on it. The courts objective of making the society crime-free is better achieved by making juveniles responsible citizens of the state by providing them an environment where it would get easier for them to refrain from criminal activities. The most disagreeable difference between juvenile and adult court is denying juveniles the right to jury trials. This practice gives the judge the sole power to pass-on a decision. The judge enjoys extraordinary independence in reaching a decision as he/she does not have to take into account the views of the jury, as none exists. The chance of giving a wrong decision increases as human negligence and error are more likely to occur as decisions are made by one single person who is not assisted by the jury. Moreover, having a jury in place would show the juvenile the concern the society has for him. This would help him in realizing his responsibilities towards the society. To improve this difference, a jury trial should be mandatory for juvenile cases, not just their constitutional right. Not only would it benefit the accused, but it would also help the society in understanding the problems facing juveniles. Collectively, the society can come up with provisions to eradicate these problems. The Supreme Court decision in Re Gault drastically changed the juvenile courts. Do you agree with the decision and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The New Planet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The New Planet - Essay Example As the research highlights  the humanoids seem to be in the advanced stages of their development and are characterized the means of their sustenance. Their modes of production, seems to be guided by the materialism and they seem to consciously promote material activities that would help to overcome the emerging new requirements of the increasing population.  This paper discusses that the most important feature that characterizes humanoids is their specific identity within a well defined societal framework. Although primary social identity of a male humanoid is gender specific and is followed by a distinct name by which he is addressed in the world, he is often bestowed with multiple social identities, some of which may acquire more forceful and intimidating perspective under certain given circumstances. The social identity seems to provide them with a distinct attribute and facilitates establishment of social status that physically represents him. Social identity of humanoids are not only vital representation of his self but it is also medium that significantly contributes to a knowledge base that others can instantly access to have a general idea of their orientation towards conflicts and other relevant issues.  The humanoids have also a well defined division of labor that is dependent on the predefined constraints of the material conditions that determine the productions.  Marx’s report has been most emphatic on the visible ‘culture’.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Mitral valve prolapse and treatment - Term Paper Example This paper shall discuss mitral valve prolapse, its causes, incidence, and risk factors, as well as interventions and treatment measures. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear and comprehensive understanding of the condition, its impact on the health, as well as related nursing interventions. The mitral valve is the valve which ensures that blood on the left side of the heart flows in one direction (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). In effect, it prevents backflow of blood during heart contraction. Mitral valve prolapse manifests when the mitral valve fails to close properly, thereby causing the back flow of blood during contraction. Mitral valve prolapse can be caused by a variety of things, mostly by physical changes in the valve (WebMD, 2011). Physical changes, including the thickening of the valve can cause the prolapse. The causes of these physical changes are not entirely known. It may also be genetically inherited by family members. Health issues which affect the mitral valve, connective tissue and heart muscles can also cause mitral valve prolapse, however, these are very rare. Related conditions, including osteogenesis imperfecta and hyperthyroidism are also considerations in this condition (WebMD, 2011). For the most part, this condition is harmless and sometimes patients are unaware that they have this heart condition. In fact, about 10% of the population is known to have minor mitral valve prolapse, however, most of the time it does not affect their lives. In some instances, this prolapse can cause blood back flow. This is known as mitral regurgitation, and may sometimes require surgery and medical treatment (University of Maryland Medical Center, 2011). Mitral valves which have structural issues have an increased risk for bacterial infection. It is a condition which often impacts on thin women with minor chest deformities, scoliosis, or related disorders (University of Maryland

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Leadership - Research Paper Example intelligent guidance that an exceptional leader can provide, the employees and shareholders are motivated towards achieving the goals which management sets out. Likewise, when low standards are set, the employees will not strive to go above and beyond because little is expected of them. As such, expectation has a great deal to do with the differences between good and exceptional leadership. A good manager gets the job done according to schedule, according to the metrics assigned, and follows an ethical process in order to achieve these goals. A great leader not only meets and fulfills the assignment requirements, but inspires his/her employees to such a degree that they are able to accomplish more and greater feats than they previously believed possible. This instillation of belief and success within the team, coupled with the previously mentioned timeliness and ethics, is what powerfully sets apart a great leader from merely a good manager. In regards to question three and the choice offered by two differing styles of management, I would be hesitant to pursue the job with the charismatic leader and would be more drawn to the job of a transformational leader. The reason for this is the fact that I have personally witnessed too many charismatic leaders whose own unique viewpoints ran against the grain of the culture or against the wishes of more senior leadership. Even though these â€Å"rogue† and charismatic leaders sometimes have exceptionally good ideas and ingenious ways to present them and to motivate the employees who work for them, the issue is that at the end of the day, the employee is judged by the quality of the management that represents him/her. If this management is seen as a free spirit, one who is not necessarily a team player, and one who is often so charismatic as to not ascribe to the company culture, the employee’s value within the firm is diminished and as such his/her job security com es into question. Schachter, H. (2012, August

Monday, September 23, 2019

Miranda vs. Arizona Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Miranda vs. Arizona - Essay Example We know we have the right to remain silent and have a right to an attorney. Yet, the Miranda decision was far more reaching than the few principles that are read from a card. It reaches back into history to establish a precedent and presents ongoing dilemmas as it faces new challenges for the courts and law enforcement.Up until the time of the 1966 Miranda decision, police interrogations varied widely in manner and method. American law, based on English principles, had long accepted that coerced testimony or confessions were unreliable as evidence. This was the premise of the Fifth Amendment that made coerced and manipulated testimony inadmissible as trial evidence on constitutional grounds. Even though law enforcement eliminated the use of torture to elicit confessions, by the middle of the 20th century new questions about the ethics of more modern tactics arose.The court was faced with the problem of enforcing what was known as the 'totality of the circumstances' rule (Lively 293). It stated that the overall environment and climate that the confession was obtained in was what the courts were to consider when evaluating whether it was voluntary or not. Courts around the country had different standards and police had different methods. There was also the problem of the interrogations taking place in private and little was known about the methods being used behind closed doors. In addition, the mandatory informing of the right to an attorney had only recently been established. ... At that point in history, the privilege against self-incrimination did not extend to police interrogations and under existing law his confession probably met the standard of 'totality of circumstance' and was considered voluntary (Hall 553). However, according to Hall, they did not meet the new standards that the court would put forth in this case (553). The court ruled that a person held for questioning has the (1) right to remain silent, (2) anything they say can be held against them, (3) they have the right to have an attorney present, (4) and the right to a public defender if they can not afford an attorney (Hall 554). This is the basis of the Miranda decision. The court also held that police needed to clearly advise the subjects of these rights and they needed to be clearly understood. If the suspect waived these rights, they must do so "voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently" (Lively 294). These rules were established to assure that suspects were afforded their constitutional rights under the 5th and 6th amendments. Supporters of the decision saw this as a move away from the strong arm and intimidating police tactics of the past. They applauded the ruling as a move towards fairness in an accusatorial system, enhancing the presumption of innocence, and preventing the cruel and inhumane treatment of prisoners and suspects (Vile 400). It also set federal standards for the interrogation of suspects. Opponents to the ruling saw it as too limiting for law enforcement. In a harshly worded dissent, Justice John Harlan argued that it would bring about the end of the confession as a useful law enforcement technique. He stated in his opinion that, "The thrust

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment 11 (775) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 11 (775) - Essay Example The pilot project took the setting of art, physics and geometry classes where most of the teachers and students always ignore the connection between such subjects. A new detailed integrated unit of instructions was designed in order to enhance effective collaboration among the teachers. Workshops, meetings and research were used by the teachers to broaden their knowledge of curricular articulation and integrated instructions. Assessment and evaluation were conducted at the end of the learning in order to identify encountered challenged with a view to coming up with viable solutions. The project was deemed successful as it allowed both the teachers and students to enjoy learning as well as improving the intellectual and emotional development of the students. Today, many authors are fascinated by action research as illustrated in their articles and projects. There are several methods proposed by different authors on how action research should be defined, understood and implemented and the important factors to consider from the power of student’s reflection, challenges during the implementation process, the method of assessment, resource and time investment to creation of a portrait of its ideal attributes. As prescribed in this article, integration of instruction requires the collaboration of all aspects of learning such as organization and management, instructions, curriculum, assessment and the culture of the school in order to improve the teaching and learning experience. The application of hands-on activities to link and relate different subject areas such as art, geometry and physics is emphasized in order to increase student comprehension. In action research, the success of education is based on the effectiveness of its curriculum. Changing the curriculum is an advancement of educational progress by modifying the methodology that allows student to interrelate the different disciples they are taught in

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Alcatel-Lucent merger Essay Example for Free

The Alcatel-Lucent merger Essay 1. Referring to the case and this chapter, discuss what conditions and negotiation factors pushed forth the merger in 2006 and were not present in 2001. Negotiation describes the process of discussion by which two or more parties aim to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. It comprises of five stages: preparation, relationship building, the exchange of task related information, persuasion and concessions and agreement. (Helen Deresky, 2000) In 2001 Alcatel and Lucent could not agree on how much control Alcatel would have, Lucent wanted the merger to be an equal one rather than a takeover. Alcatel of course did not agree to that. The negotions failed in 2001 because the companies did not exchange task related information, they did not understand what the other wanted. Sherman and Hart (2006) confirm that disputes, misunderstandings and disappointments about the share of control in joint-venture is one of the main reasons why such proposals fail, and this is not unique in this case. The 2006 negotiations worked out because Lucent’s management no longer had concerns about who would be in power and there was more pressing issues to worry about. Alcatel chief executive Serge Tchuruk encouraged shareholders to back the merger to make it more profitable and gain competitive advantage over competitors from china that sprung up between 2001 and 2006. Competition drove this two companies to come together to improve their position in the market. 2. Research the status of the merged company at the time of your reading the case. What has happened in the industry since the merger, and how is the company faring? Six years have passed since the merger and after the resignation of American CEO Patricia Russo and French board member Serge Tchuruk due to cross-cultural misunderstandings, the company appointed French chairman who lived in US, Philippe Camus and Ben Verwaayen, a Dutch in the position of CEO. The strategy was a success since Philippe Camus was closely familiar with both cultures, French and US, and Ben Verwaayen, being Dutch had a ‘neutral’ nationality in the company, but still was also closely familiar with cross-cultural issues. In the end, it was ensured that these two executives had a comfortable working environment and had no personal issues with each other. On April 1st 2013, Ben Verwaayen was replaced by Frenchman  Michel Combes as CEO. They are in the top three with the services they provide and was recognized by Thomson Reuters as a Top 100 Global Innovator and named by MIT Technology Review among 2012’s Top 50 â€Å"World’s Most Innovative Companies.† They boasted revenues of 14.4 billion euros in 2012 and has operations in over 100 countries (Alcatel-Lucent website, 2013) 3. Evaluate the comment that the merger is â€Å"a giant transatlantic experiment in multicultural diversity.† What evidence is there that the company has run into cross cultural problems since the merger took place in 2006? The statement that the merger between Alcatel and Lucent is â€Å"a giant transatlantic experiment in multicultural diversity† aptly describes the nature of the merger and all the cross-cultural issues involved. The reason being that the merger brought together two cultural different companies and they had to find ways to make it work. The language barrier is of course a big issue, English is the universal language of the company but French is still a necessity when dealing with French shareholders. The fact that the American CEO Patricia Russo and French board member Serger Tchuruk could not get along is evidence cross cultural problems. â€Å"Roger Entner, a senior vice president and telecommunications analyst for Nielsen IAG, a market research firm, said Lucent executives had found it difficult to adapt to Alcatels corporate culture. One barrier has been language. Another, he said, is the close interplay between French regulators and private-sector executives.† (The New York Times, 2008). In France, business is a male dominated field and Mrs. Russo found it very hard to regulate where French business and politics overlap. France being a high context culture and the US having a low context culture may have played a role in the resignation of the original CEO and chairman. A low context culture is one in which things are fully (though concisely) spelled out. Things are made explicit, and there is considerable dependence on what is actually said or written. A high context culture is one in which the communicators assume a great deal of commonality of knowledge and views, so that less is spelled out explicitly and much more is implicit or communicated in indirect ways. 4. How much of the decline do you attribute to leadership problems, as opposed to industry factors? The company was facing competition from low cost Chinese competitors and the market was changing. That is one of the reasons the merger took place in 2006. According to the case, the market was changing beyond recognition and  demand was weakening. There was some leadership problems with Alcatel management feeling like Lucent got the leadership role in the company and people were being appointed based on nationality and not skills. But to be fair, the industry was bad and changing and the inability of the leadership to get along and solve problems together hurt the company. Right after a merger is a critical time for a company with the HR department on full recovery mode. There has to be cohesion in order for the company to succeed and there was no unity. Leadership problems and industry factors had equal roles to play in the decline. 5. What, if any, factors should have been negotiated differently? The issue of who would lead the company should have been negotiated differently so that everyone will be represented. The management of the company played a role in the decline and I think if time was spent in making sure the people hired had the people skills needed to bring everyone together for the common good of the company, then there would not have been so much loss. Time should also have been spent in coming up with ways to bridge the culture gap and put everyone on the same page as to the goals of the present merged company. All in all, with a change in management, Alcatel-Lucent is still going strong and seems to have worked out the cross cultural issues. There are presently talks of them merging with Nokia Solutions. We will see how it turns out.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bentley Motors Limited Maintain a constant effective communication

Bentley Motors Limited Maintain a constant effective communication Project Responsibilities: To work in tandem with the Bill of Materials (BoM) department in successfully generating and structuring the part numbers for BY831 (Bentley Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration with the help of SAP based environment called TIsyncro. Maintain a constant effective communication between designers of different department to meet up with the deadlines. Organise training to the relative departments employees to inform and trained on the changing policies and methodologies of the department and project respectively. To provide an interface between functional managers, BoM, Digital Mock-Up (DMU) department and the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Department to ascertain that the flow of information if unambiguous and accurate. Organise a product review meetings with the customers and the managers of relative departments. To mitigate the issues escalated from the BoM and different functional departments. To provide support in creating Clients requirement based reports. 5. Competencies demonstrated: (please refer to the APM Body of Knowledge, Competence Framework) The purpose of this assessment is to identify where my competence lies just now in relation to skills and professional studies. This assessment will reflect on previous/current work and courses and should help to identify my current level of skill. It is a detailed analysis of how I feel about my skills and competencies in relation to project management. Technical competence: The technical competence involved learning of 3D modelling software CATIA, LCA (Life Cycle Application) tool to structure the parts of BY831 (Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration. Context of Project Management (PM): In the context of Project Management, the technical competence involved developing skills on PM tools like MS Project and MS Visio. This has enhanced my skills on resource planning and appropriate scheduling of Projects. Behavioural competence: Behavioural competence involved developing robust behavioural skills by working for two managers with two leadership styles, strong communication skills ensuring details and expectations of the project are met to the highest standard, and constant interaction with functional managers of different departments catered to the enhancement of behavioural and interpersonal skills. Context of Project Management: Behavioural competence in the context of Project Management involved developing team building and leadership skills, time management skills by working on team placement project that involved working in a synergistic manner in order to avoid antagonistic behaviour as an individual. Section 3: CPD Self- Assessment Form This assessment addresses the experiences and knowledge gained/ shared by studying MSc Project Management at The Robert Gordon University (RGU). K= knowledge; E = experience ONLY TICK ONE K AND ONE E FOR EACH COMPETENCE Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Project management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Programme management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Portfolio management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project control à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project sponsorship à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project office à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project success and benefits management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Stakeholder management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Value management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project management plan à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Project risk management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project quality management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Health, safety and environmental management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Scope management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Scheduling à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Resource management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Legal awareness à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project life cycles à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Concept à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Definition à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Implementation à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Handover and closeout à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project reviews à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Organisation structure à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Organisational roles à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Methods and procedures à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Governance of project management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Communication à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Teamwork à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Leadership à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Conflict management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Negotiation à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Human resource management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Areas of strengths identified Gaps identified Scope Management Project lifecycle Teamwork Project Management Plan Leadership and Communication Organisational Roles Conflict Management and Resolution Project Management Office Health and Safety and Environmental Management Programme and Portfolio Management Project Management Negotiation Project Risk Management Organisational Structure Analysis of Project Success and Benefit analysis Methods and Procedures Value management Project Risk Management Human Resource Management Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on. Section 4: Development Plan DEVELOPMENT PLAN Based on the contents of your current CV and your responses to the CPD Self Assessment Form (Review) in which you have identified the areas in which you need development, please complete your Development Plan. Where do I want to be in 5 years? The Postgraduate degree in Project Management has provided me with enough of robust information on managing complex projects within the Project Management constraints of scope, time, cost and quality. I would like to carry on with these skills and be an effective, efficient and smart Project Manager with team building and leadership skills to manoeuvre complex environment of managing range of complex projects. How will I achieve my aim? I would like to achieve this aim through Continuing Professional Development in terms of having professional certifications indicating enhancement of technical and behavioural competence. I would also believe that development of interpersonal skills, living in a pleasant ambience would substantially add some benefits in realising my aim successfully. What current skills and knowledge gaps prevent me from achieving my aim? Value management Project Risk Management Human Resource Management Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on. Out of aforementioned knowledge gaps, Professional Certification is one of the most important knowledge gaps that need to be fulfilled and would substantially provide an opportunity to stand ahead in the competition from other Project Management practitioners. 5.0 LEARNING AND REFLECTION RECORDS- FORMAL EDUCATION 5.1 Learning and Induction from the Induction Programme Induction Programme Learning In the induction programme, a basic overview about the university was addressed i.e. infrastructural facilities, introduction of staff members pertaining to the course, the cultural values that would be gained through interaction between students of diverse cultural background. Also, I was able to learn the basic rules and regulations to be followed in the city/ country and one of the members from the Grampian police had addressed about the social laws and regulations and the Grampian fire service had addressed about the health and safety measures, fire incidents and so on. There were general and academic induction programmes and I was able to learn in both academic and professional way. Also this programme consisted of providing valuable guidance to students to make use of library and other RGU facilities. Infozone provided ample guidance in getting the opening of bank account, health guidance and also about NHS service. International Student Advisors provided/ provides continual su pport on immigration and visa information. Reflection Through this induction programme, I have had an opportunity to reflect this learning by adhering to the rules and regulations of the city/ country and the lessons learned through working in teams on different academic coursework including project technical implementation can be implemented in future endeavours as well ranging from different complex projects and improve behavioural skills including ethics. 5.2 Learning and Reflection for Academic Activities for First and Second Semester of MSc Project Management Module 1: Project Fundamentals Learning In this module, an overview of the basic nature of managing general projects was addressed, not specifically focussed on one type of project. I was able to get a basic insight into the concept of projects and Project Management and learnt the basic difference between projects and Business As Usual (BAU). The module used the concept of project life cycle as the organisational guideline, and provided a brief understanding on the contents of different phases of a project like project initiation, project planning, project execution, project control and project closure that covered the whole process of project management activities like, Project Management Plan, change management, project quality, Stakeholder Management, risk management and many others. From these activities, I basically learnt the concept of business case and its development and its importance as the primary deliverable of initiation phase of project life cycle. In a nutshell, I conclude from my learning that the princip les of project management are applicable at all levels of the project hierarchy, ranging from individual work packages through to the provision of responsibility. Reflection This module provided me a lot of insights into different elements of Project Management and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5. Firstly, this project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity to understand the application of different project management activities in the practical environment (construction of Heathrow Terminal 5). This project also provided me an opportunity to implement all the learning on the fundamentals of projects and project management into practice and share knowledge between the team members by providing a detailed business case and the project management plan for the project. Having known with the basic principles of project fundamentals module, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours involving all the areas of Project Management. Module 2: Project Planning and Control Learning This module provided a basic overview of core activities of the planning phase of the project. I learnt about the fundamentals of project planning like scope management, how to create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the allocation of resources to projects, and an overview to create cost estimation and budgeting and apply IT led resource scheduling and allocation techniques with the help of Gantt chart and Critical Path Method (CPM). Alongside these things, I was able to get a basic insight into critical evaluation of key project monitoring and control techniques and their impact on the successful completion of projects. Finally, I learnt different quality systems and requirements of the project in order to add value to the client and the business as a whole. Reflection This module provided me a basic insight into different elements of Project planning and control and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the relocation of oil and gas company office. The project involved relocating the employees of different departments and their possessions to a bigger office space. We, as a team, got involved in preparing a project plan to ensure that this project is completed on time, within budget and would not affect the smooth flow of work and interrupt the operations at the existing building. More emphasis was given on project scheduling and provided a detailed Gantt chart indicating deliverables and milestones with a detailed resource histogram depicting the resources. Also, the allocation of resources for different tasks was depicted with the help of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity t o understand the application of different project planning tools and techniques in this project and having known with these basic tools and techniques, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours as well. Module 3: Project Organisation and Behaviour Learning In this module, basically an overview of organisational learning with roles and responsibilities was addressed and three types of organisation structures were dealt in detail i.e. Functional based, Matrix based and Project based Organisational structures and I learnt that more emphasis would emphasis would be given to project-based and matrix-based organisation structure for the effective implement of Project Management for the successful completion of projects. I also learnt behavioural issues in projects and how these issues would impact in maintaining robust relationship with the client and the constant interaction between conflict management and negotiation in projects and project management environment. During the discussion on behavioural issues in the project environment, emphasis was laid upon the socio-cultural aspect of Project Management and I learnt that the constant development of antagonistic behaviour of the individuals and lack of synergistic behaviour within the team s or in general the organisation structure would affect the project/ programme managers and including the team leader to manage the teams and would result in ambiguities within the team members with lack of knowledge sharing and result in the unsuccessful completion of projects. Hence I learnt that the role of effective leadership right from the strategic level down to the operational level is essential in problem solving and decision making process and develop efficient communication on the technical and socio-cultural aspects of project management within the team members leading to effective organisational learning. Reflection I was able to reflect on the learning that I got from the project organisation and behaviour module in the form of team project on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The basic reason for choosing this project to put all the theoretical elements into practice is due to its sensitive nature because this project, in the real environment, involved international stakeholders from seven different nations intend to develop fusion energy for peaceful purposes. The purpose was to provide a transformational organisational structure in order to mitigate behavioural issues and manage conflicts within the Organisation. Module 4: Commercial Realties for Project Management Learning This module provided a descriptive learning on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the project at the initiation phase of the project life cycle. The qualitative analysis included environmental analysis that in turn included three types viz., SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) and Porters Five Forces Model. Quantitative analysis included investment/ financial appraisal and consisted of four types i.e. Payback Period (PBP), Accounting Rate of Return (ARR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The qualitative analysis provides a detailed overview of merits and de-merits of undertaking a project taking micro, meso and macro factors into consideration. However, quantitative analysis provides a detailed overview on the financial aspects of the project i.e. Return on Investment (ROI). I was able to get a basic insight into procurement and supply chain issues and legal issues in the context of projects and project management. This module provided a basic overview of different types of dispute resolution techniques used in the project environment between the stakeholders. Reflection Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a hypothetical project. This project is aimed at building a multi-speciality veterinary hospital in Aberdeen and providing all the modern sophisticated medical facilities to the domesticated animals in order to eradicate all sorts of endemic and fatal diseases and provide a healthy environment. The project involved in providing a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis, contracting strategy, procurement plan and dispute resolution techniques in the context of projects and project management. Learning through this module can be implemented in future real time endeavours that range of complex projects. Module 5: Project Strategy and Leadership Learning In this module, the meaning of strategy was dealt and an overview of the link between strategy and projects was addressed. I learnt that how strategic decisions at the top management level/ strategic level would impact the projects and project management and learnt the concept of Strategic Project Management (SPM). I learnt the concept of Project Portfolio Management that was viewed as a tool/ method of prioritising and selecting portfolio of projects for their successful completion by linking the projects with the Organisations overall business strategies. I learnt the difference between Project Management, Programme management and the Project Portfolio Management and the interdependency between them and the overall business strategy. In order to ascertain successful completion of portfolio of projects through decisions taken at the strategic level, the concept of strategic leadership, Project Management Office and project governance were dealt with prime importance. I learnt that t he gap of governance between the corporate governance/ corporate level (strategic level) and the Project Management can be avoided by introducing the concept of Governance of Project Management (GoPM) framework that links the strategic and the tactical/ operational level. However to ascertain successful GoPM, I learnt that the three important elements i.e. Organisation structure, people and the flow of information within the framework should be organised well. I also viewed Project Management Office (PMO) as the core department within the business function that maintains the tools, techniques and methodologies of Project Management and also responsible in upgrading the tools and methodologies of PM. I learnt the concept of maturity model and its impact on all the areas of Project Management (PM) and viewed maturity in the context of PM as part of organisations diverse culture and not just a tool/ methodology for managing projects and learnt the concept of Organisational Project management Maturity Model (OPM3) developed by PMI and got an insight into how this model correlates Project, Programme and Portfolio Management. I got a basic insight into the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and how it is going to impact the success of portfolio of projects and the project strategy including the overall business strategy. I also learnt the concept of global teams and their impact on the performance of projects due to varied culture and how this socio-cultural aspect of Project Management should be managed in order to arrive at the desired project outcome. Finally I learnt the concept of Project Performance Management and their impact on meeting project/ organisation goals and o bjectives in an effective and efficient manner and I also got an insight into how stakeholder commitment is directly linked with project performance management and their alignment with the business strategies. Reflection Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a real team project. The aim of the project was to analyse, plan and develop the overall strategy for the management of the companys project in order to meet the companys budget, schedule and quality parameters set out at project approval but also deliver optimum value to the company. In the project, we assumed the role of engineering directors that had been tasked with proposing a new strategy for the efficient management of the companys business operations. Though the project was carried out from the university without being there at the client organisation, this project gave us a good exposure in implementing all the elements of project strategy and leadership module into practice and can also be implemented in future professional endeavours. Module 6: Risk and Safety Management Learning In this module, I learnt the concept of risk and risk management in the context of Projects and Project management. I learnt to identify, analyse and critically assess risks throughout the phases of the project life cycle. Risks in terms of organisational structure, culture, stakeholders and so on were addressed in the context of projects and project management and learnt on how strategic decisions of the management would be risk-driven in terms of delivering the projects successfully. I learnt more about sensitive projects. It was dealt that projects tend to become sensitive depending on the level/ intensity of risk involved in the project and based on this, I learnt that quantitative and qualitative risk assessment tools and techniques can be used depending on the type of projects and the level of risk involved. I also learnt that how organisation would look at individuals attitude towards technical and socio-cultural risks involved in projects in the context of project management. I also learnt the concept of Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) and the awareness of legislative and statutory requirements and integrate health, safety and environmental policies into Project Management Plan (PMP). I did learn about how performance of HSSE can be effectively and efficiently monitored for successful management of risks and how organisational structure and their responsibilities can affect the successful implementation of effective risk and safety measures within the organisation. Reflection This module gave me the exposure in implementing all the elements into practice. I completed individual coursework on risk and safety management in the transportation of spent fuel in the United Kingdom. This project focussed on the key risks involved in the transportation activity at the back end operations of the nuclear power plants, key legislative requirements and health safety measures for the transportation of spent nuclear fuel, decisions concerning top management on the transportation issues and proposal of new strategy for the ongoing monitoring of risk and safety management. In a nutshell, the learning through this module gave a basic insight into different elements of risk and safety management and can be reflected on future endeavours as well i.e. in the real work environment Module 7: Supply Chain Management Learning This module provided a basic overview on different supply chain frameworks, supply chain tools and techniques used in the area of supply chain management, design of supply chain strategies and modelling and simulation techniques in the SC. Devising of supply chain structure or supply chain network diagram provided a basic overview of understanding the flow of information (material and financial flow) among stakeholders along the upstream and downstream of the SC. Reflection This module provided me a robust exposure in implementing all the theoretical elements into good practice by doing two courseworks on the module. In the first coursework, the aim was to regulate the variation of demand and supply of electricity with the optimisation of Supply Chain strategies and to bring in coordination and integration among the trading partners within the Supply Chain. This involved analysing the current SC model of the chosen organisation on node by node basis with regards to their existing SC strategies, tools techniques, SC issues and the SC response on these issues. A new SC model was proposed for the chosen organisation with optimised SC strategies, tools techniques and improvement in the response of SC. In the second coursework, the aim was to identify and analyse humanitarian supply chain issues at the micro, meso and macro level, identify the current technology application in the humanitarian supply chain of the chosen case study and identify the typical stakeholders that impact the SC response. As time is the main constraint of any humanitarian SC, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a major role in eliminating unethical practices and improves the SC response. Hence the learning from this module can be reflected on future endeavours i.e. real time projects in the diversified area (from retail, engineering and so on to rehabilitation projects/ humanitarian based SC projects). Module 8: Professional Body of Knowledge in Project Management Learning This module gave an opportunity in learning all the knowledge areas of Project Management, specifically Association for Project Management (APM). This gave me a good exposure to attempt the exam conducted by the university that is tantamount to APMs APMP exam. The module addressed on all the knowledge areas that covered all the previous modules (seven) on Project Management. This module also provided me the guideline in preparing for the APMP exam to get the professional certification. This module also provided a good exposure in knowing different PM standards and bodies. Reflection The examination conducted by the university on this module would be the stepping stone to many future professional certification exams to boost the CV and ensure continuous professional development through lifelong learning and stand ahead in the competition among other project management practitioners to get hands-on experience on future endeavours on a range of complex projects. 6.0 LEARNING AND REFLECTION RECORDS- PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Activity 1: Student Membership for APM and PMI Learning Holding the student membership for Association for Project Management (APM) and Project Management Institute (PMI) has provided me a basic insight into the happening of events/ seminars/ workshops on different genres of Project Management and I could keep myself updated on the current tools and techniques used in the management of range of complex projects. Reflection By holding the membership for APM and PMI, I have had an opportunity to learn many areas of Project Management through their website, journal articles and e-letter (The membership is still very much valid). As a matter of fact, these learning could be reflected on future career development in the field of Projects and Project Management and provides ample opportunity in doing the certification exams like APMP, CAPM and so on and avail for full-time membership. This also provides an opportunity in networking with other Project Management practitioners and share knowledge on different areas of Project Management. Activity 2: Participation in CPD Activities Learning In this session, I learnt about the step by step process of developing the portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This session was conducted by one of my Project Management module coordinators in the academic environment and was part of the Project Technical Implementation (Team Placement Project) module. The module coordinator addressed all the sections and elements of CPD and explained the importance of CPD in the development of ones career. Reflection The basic understanding of the process of CPD could be reflected on the career development and be considered as the stepping stone to boost the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and provide a platform in achieving the professional certification and mark it as the evidence of enhanced professional competency and can stand ahead in todays global competition with respect to other Project Management practitioners. Activity 3: Leadership Style of Workplace Supervisors Learning In my previous employment, I was happened to work with two managers at Bentley Motors Limited, Crewe, UK. I have had an opportunity to perceive different leadership style of these managers. Manager A: I worked under Manager A for about 6 months and got to learn about the Autocratic style of leadership wherein leaders have more powers over their team members. Also the contribution to the process of decision making was limited. Manager B: I worked under Manager B for 9 months and learnt about the Democratic style of leadership and had an opportunity to contribute to the process of decision making as a team and the level of enthusiasm was optimal. Reflection Based on the real-time professional experience with the managers of my previous organisation, and having had a great opportunity in perceiving two different styles of leadership, I would like to reflect these professional learnin

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Costs And Contributions: The Wave From South Of The Border :: essays research papers

Costs and Contributions: The Wave From South of The Border Every year, hundreds of millions of people enter the US via land ports of entry, and the INS each year apprehends over 1.3 million aliens at or near the border. Over 90 percent of those apprehended near the border are Mexicans, and some who enter the US legally and illegally are carrying drugs into the US. This influx of illegal immigrants from south of the border has created quite a stir in many places. Is this good that people are coming to the U.S.? What will happen if this pattern keeps up? Will they steal our jobs? What effect will this wave of people have on us? These questions plague many and deserved to be answered in the following paper on: "Costs and contributions: The Wave From South of The Border". "Dowell Myers (USC) reported on his double cohort method--by age and year of entry-- of analyzing what happened to immigrants arriving in the seven southern CA counties after 1980. His analysis shows that especially young immigrants make considerable economic progress after their arrival--as measured by their total incomes--and that some of their behavior converges rapidly to that of natives, e.g., they rapidly abandon buses and drive cars to work. In southern CA, one-third of all bus riders are recent immigrants. Myers noted that immigration is raising other issues, including overcrowded housing. The US definition of acceptable housing was two or less persons per room until 1960, when the definition was change to one or less per room. However, as immigrants moved into southern CA, overcrowding jumped, raising questions about how aggressively cities should enforce housing codes developed during a non- immigrant era." Many are haunted by the question: will we be hurt? Over crowding has had a major impact on families living near the Mexican border lowering standards of living and living space as well. Also, citizens wonder about the filthy scum that comes from south of the border-are all illegal immigrants scum? George Vernez outlined an ambitious project that is dealing with the question of whether immigration is a plus or minus for CA by examining the effects of immigration on internal migration, on wages, and on public finances since 1960. Those studies showed that immigrants from most countries do catch up to similar natives in average weekly earnings after 10 to 20 years, but not immigrants from the major country of origin--Mexico. Furthermore, immigrant children tend to follow in their parents' footsteps, meaning that the children of Asian immigrants tend to do well in school, etc., while the children of

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Carl Jungs Exploration of the Unconscious Mind Essay -- Carl Jung Per

Carl Jung's Exploration of the Unconscious Mind Carl Jung is best known for his exploration of the unconscious mind, developed through his education in Freudian theory, mythology, religion, and philosophy. Jung was born July 26, 1875 to a well-educated family in Kesswil, Switzerland. He was raised with a love for language and literature, beginning Latin lessons at the age of 6. As a teenager, Jung led a solitary life. He did not care for school, and shied away from competition. When he went to boarding school in Basel, Switzerland, he was the victim of jealous harassment, and learned to use sickness as an excuse. He later went on to the University of Basel, intending to study archaeology, but instead decided to study medicine. After working under the famous neurologist, Krofft-Ebing, he discovered psychiatry. After graduating, Jung worked at a mental hospital in Zurich under Eugene Bleuler (who later discovered and named schizophrenia). In 1903, he married and at this time he was also teaching classes at the University of Zurich, working at his own private practice, and working on his theory of word association. He finally met Freud, in 1907, and they developed a friendship as the two compared theories. Their friendship eventually ended, and soon afterwards came WWI and a rough time of self-examination for Jung (which then led to his theories of personality ). He retired as a psychiatrist in 1946, and died fifteen years later. Jung’s theories of personality are closely related to the Freudian theories. He divided the human psyche into three categories; the ego, or the conscious mind, the personal unconscious which holds memories and such, and the collective unconscious which is the connection that all humans share. According to Jung, the collective unconscious is made up of archetypes. An archetype is the â€Å"unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way†#. There are an innumerable amount of archetypes, which all organize experiences or materialize thoughts in their own way. The mother, Mana, Shadow, Persona, and Syzygy archetypes are the most common. The mother archetype is a â€Å"built-in† void, which automatically seeks out a mothering figure. If the individual lacks an actual person to fill that void, he/she may live in which something else fills it. They may live a life devoted to the church (meditating on a figure of Mary),... ...the four functions through which humans perceive and deal with the world. These include sensing (through which a person gets information from their senses), thinking (through which a person evaluates ideas with logic), intuiting (which is a kind of sixth sense unconscious perception), and feeling (through which a person assesses information by their emotional response). Jung described sensing and intuiting as â€Å"irrational† because they involve simply receiving information and making no judgment on them, and thinking and feeling as â€Å"rational† because one judges the information received. Much of Jung’s work, controversial as it was, is still in use or extended upon to some degree today. Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator based on Jung’s categorization of the psyche. Through taking this test, one can be identified as being one out of sixteen different categories such as ENFJ (extroverted feeling with intuiting) or ISTJ (introverted sensing with thinking). Jung’s Word Association test is also in wide use in the psychiatric field today. Works Cited Dr. C. George Boeree. "Carl Jung." Personality Theories. 1997.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Apache Indians :: essays research papers

Anthropology Paper  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apache Indians   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this paper you will read about the many ways that the Apache Indians used different ways of technology to survive in there environment. They used many different farming tools in which helped them to grow crops and gather berries. As the years went on the Apache hunters hunted with bows and arrows and as the years went on and how they trade with other tribes and people they had adopted guns. So in this reading you will be reading about different types of tools that the Apache Indians used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Apache Indians used many tools throughout the years as they got more involved with technology. When they wanted to plant or to crush the seeds that they have gathered they used a seed beater that was made of twined openwork baketry (Taylor 56). To store or to place any berries that they have gathered they had this coiled basket that they made in order to cook in or to store food. Since some Apache tribes lived in the forests and well-watered valleys the mainly depended on berries and hunting deer and antelope they had many ways that they could kill and gather the foods. To cut the berries from the branches the Apacheans used a knife the is in the center of a wooden stick which they would sharpen in with a smoothed groove stone. With the adoption of horses was a great discovery because it made hunting and carrying the goods much easier (Taylor 55).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also the Apache Indians had many tools that the used when they were on the hunt for food. They had a war club with also was made for war and hunting was made out of a stone head which was wrapped in buckskin on a wooden handle. They also used the common bow and arrow to hunt with as well. To cook the food that they had gathered the made the rope twister which was made out of small pieces of wood that had small rope attached to them, and to start the fire they moved the rope back and forth so that the wood would get hot and start to burn. (Taylor 56). To separate the meat form the skin of the animal they had this small tool called the hide scraper which had a steel tip on the top of it and had a wooden handle.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Death Penalty in Philippines Essay

During Spanish colonial rule, the most common method of executions were shooting by the firing squad (especially for treason/military crimes, usually reserved for independence fighters) and garrotte (a notable case would be the Gomburza). A prominent example is the country’s national hero, Jose Rizal, who was executed by firing squad on the morning of December 30, 1896. In 1926, the electric chair was introduced, by the United States colonial government. This made the Philippines the only country besides the United States to employ this method. The last colonial-era execution took place under Governor-General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. in February 1932. There were no executions under Manuel L. Quezon, the Commonwealth’s first President.[2] 1946 to 1986 The capital crimes after regaining full independence were murder, rape and treason. Notable cases includes Julio Gullien, executed on for attempting to assassinate President Manuel Roxas, or Marcial â€Å"Baby† Ama, electrocuted at the age of 16 on October 4, 1961. â€Å"Baby† Ama became a subject of a famous 1976 film Bitayin Si baby Ama. Totally, 51 people were electrocuted until 1961. Another famous death penalty case was of former powerful Governor of Negros Occidental Rafael Lacson and 22 of his allies, condemded to die in August 1954 for murder of a political opponent.[6] Ultimately, Lacson was never executed. Executions number climbed under President Ferdinand Marcos. Ironically, Marcos himself was sentenced to death in 1939 for murder of his father’s political opponent, although he was accquited during appeal. A well-publicised triple execution took place in May 1972, when Jaime Josà ©, Basilio Pineda, and Edgardo Aquino were electrocuted for the 1967 ab duction and gang-rape of the young actress Maggie dela Riva. Under the Marcos regime, drug trafficking also became punishable with death by firing squad. A notable execution was that of drug trafficker Lim Seng, whose death in December 1972 was broadcast on national television. Future President and then Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, GeneralFidel V. Ramos, was present at the scene. The electric chair was used until 1976, when execution by firing squad eventually replaced it as the sole method of execution. During the Marcos regime, however, countless more people were summarily executed, tortured, or simply disappeared for opposition to his rule. neutrality is disputed After Marcos was deposed in 1986, the newly-drafted Constitution limited the application of the death penalty to a certain few crimes. This in effect meant that it was totally abolished, making the Philippines the first Asian country to do so. Reinstatement and moratorium President Fidel V. Ramos promised during his campaign that he would support the reintroduction of the death penalty in response to increasing crime rates. The new law, drafted by Ramos, restored capital punishment by defining â€Å"heinous crimes† as everything from murder to stealing a car. This law provided the use of the electric chair until the gas chamber (chosen by the government to replace electrocution) could be installed. The first execution by lethal injection took place under Ramos’ successor, Joseph Estrada, following on a personal appeal by his spiritual advisor, Bishop Teodoro Bacani. Estrada called a moratorium in 2000 to honour the bimillenial anniversary of Jesus’ birth. Executions were resumed a year later. Estrada’s own successor, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, was a vocal opponent and also approved a moratorium, but later permitted executions and denied pardons. Second abolition On 15 April 2006, the sentences of 1,230 death row inmates were commuted to life imprisonment, in what Amnesty International believes to be the â€Å"largest ever commutation of death sentences† Capital punishment was again abolished via Republic Act No. 9346, which was signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on 24 June 2006. The bill followed a vote held in Congress earlier that month which overwhelmingly supported the abolition of the practice . The penalties of life imprisonmentand reclusion perpetua (indeterminate sentence, 30-year minimum) replaced the death penalty. Critics of Arroyo’s initiative called it a political move meant to placate the Roman Catholic Church, some sectors of which were increasingly vocal in their opposition to her rule. Aftermath President Arroyo controversially pardoned many prisoners during her presidency, including a 2009 pardon for all remaining felons convicted for the 1983 assassination of former Senator and opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr. Methods The Philippines was the only country aside from the United States that used the electric chair. Until its first abolition in 1987, the country reverted to using death by firing squad. After re-introduction of the death penalty in 1993, the country switched to lethal injection as its sole method of execution.

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Analysis Essay

Vladimir Nabokov’s choice of subject in his novel Lolita shocked readers, but that was essentially why he chose it. Beetz, states that Nabokov’s first inspiration for the novel came from a newspaper story about an ape â€Å"‘who after months of coaxing by a scientist, produced the first drawing ever charcoaled by an animal: this sketch showed the bars of the poor creature’s cage’ Nabokov said. As many critics have remarked Lolita is not about sex but about love. Even more it is about obsession-and the destructive power it can hold over the lives of its victims.†(Beetz 2481) Also with out the shock value of Lolita’s risque subject of the â€Å"love story† between a man and his twelve year old step daughter, the book most likely would not have become as famous as it is. As Serafin states, Lolita became very popular underground after it was banned in Europe. The taboo of it being banned mixed with Nabokov’s sparkling wit made Lolita a sensation.(338) As Hart says in the 1950’s peoples attitudes towards sex were still very puritanical and conservative.(158) By exploiting the scandalousness of the violation of the last sexual taboo, the relationship between an adult and child, Nabokov was able to really show the extent of the power of infatuation, love and obsession. As Nabokov shows in his novel Humbert Humbert knows what he is doing to Lolita is wrong, but his burning desire for her drives him to violate his own morals. He even used morals to try and justify his actions, â€Å"The moral sense in mortals is the duty†¦We have to pay on mortal sense of beauty†(Nabokov 300) In this quote Humbert dilutes himself into thinking he has a moral obligation to appreciate the beauty that is Lolita, when in reality he has a moral obligation to leave Lolita alone and allow her to have a normal childhood. Another quote in which Nabokov shows how Humbert’s obsession controls him is the following; â€Å"I felt proud of myself. I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the morals of a minor. Absolutely no harm done.†(Nabokov 65) In this quote he is referring to â€Å"pleasuring him self† while near Lolita with out actually touching her. The very nature of his actions show his desperation and it soon become apparent that Humbert’s twisted fantasies will not satiate his obsession for long and that he will act on it and â€Å"impair the morals of a minor†. By using the shock to readers of a relationship between an adult and a child, Nabokov successfully was able to show the extent of what obsession and love can drive a person to do. Humbert’s obsession lead him to ruin the lives of himself, Clare Quilty and the childhood of Lolita. Nabokov choose his taboo subject for Lolita to increase the impact of the character’s actions as driven by his own infatuation.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Audience And Action Plan Essay

I am the manager of Lexington Short Term Outpatient/Inpatient Rehabilitation Center with the task of developing an action plan and a proposal to add long term care services to our current services that will be presented to the organization’s Board of Directors for approval. Initially, I had prepared an action plan that requires updating. My initial action plan included the following: various communication methods to be use by managers within this organization, the importance of the identified communication methods within this organizational structure, internal/external relationships to be considered, steps involved in organizational planning and functions of management, how planned steps may be applied to the scenario, strategies that might be used to bring about change in the organization, how those strategies may be used to prevent or to minimize conflict, strategies that can be applied if conflict does arise, the manager’s role in conflict management, ethical issues that may altered the way change is conducted in the organization, the effects of financial and human resource management controls, how financial and human resource control issues may affect the decision-making process, environmental influences related to health care which may affect outcomes and quality within the organization, and, how the implemented change will be tracked or evaluated. I decided to add diversity to management, administration, staff and health care services to appeal to a diverse patient population that is multilingual to enhance communication with our clients and broaden our patient services. This worked well for me because I realized that being equipped to serve a diverse patient population will give my proposal better chance of being accepted by the Board of Directors. While attempting to update my action plan, deciding on what will be appropriate and successful was something that was a challenge for me. Another challenge was incorporating my new updates to my current action  plan. If I was asked the question what would I have done differently if I had the opportunity prior to my update, my answer would have been to have the opportunity to update my action plan. Now that my update is completed, I feel very confident and is ready to present my proposal and action plan to the Board of Directors and I will not do anything differently from this point on. Buchbinder, S.B & Shanks, N.H (2012). Introduction to health care management (2nd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Compare the relationship and characters Essay

As Winston continues to write his diary, he begins to write it as though it were for O’Brien to read. Despite the fact that Winston has been having a relationship with a woman called Julia, he still feels the need to look toward O’Brien for approval of his ideas. When O’Brien invites him to his house, Winston begins to believe that in fact, O’Brien is a conspirator against the Party. Winston visits O’Brien and admits to being a â€Å"thought criminal†. O’Brien tells Winston that â€Å"The Brotherhood†, a shadowy organisation run by Emmanuel Goldstein that is working against â€Å"the Party†, does indeed exist. O’Brien is thorough and concise in his explanation. We see very subtle clues however, that O’Brien could be leading Winston into a trap. He is unsurprised to hear Winston repeat the quote from his dream â€Å"we shall meet again in the place where there is no darkness† and repeats it himself as though it were repetition of a previously held conversation â€Å"‘in the place where there is no darkness’ he said, as though he had recognised the allusion. † (Page 185) He also say’s earlier â€Å"we are the dead† (Page 183). This was something Winston had said earlier in the book that O’Brien couldn’t have heard unless he had been spying on him. Despite this Winston’s admiration grows for O’Brien to almost worship. Again this reinforces Winston’s weakness. Despite the fact that O’Brien could easily be a member of the thought Police attempting to entrap him, he is quite willing to admit to being a thought criminal. Even though O’Brien gave off a suggestion that he may have been spying on him, Winston suspicion is not aroused and in fact his admiration of O’Brien is increased. O’Brien seems to be everything Winston is not. Winston is neurotic, nervous and physically weak. He lacks the power to change the world he lives in and looks to others to take the initiative and lead him in his revolt against the system. O’Brien is so calm, cool and collected. He gives off an air of inner strength and power this is accentuated by his strong physical form. Despite this he also has a softer, kindly side to his nature. He seems to have all the answers to Winston’s questions and makes him feel safe â€Å"When you looked at O’Brien’s powerful shoulders and his blunt-featured face, so ugly yet so civilised, it was impossible to believe he could be defeated† (Page 183). Winston shows all the classic signs of looking toward O’Brien as a father figure. Later on after receiving â€Å"the book† from O’Brien, a piece that Documents the true state of the world and how to bring down the party, Winston is captured by â€Å"The Thought Police† He is taken to the â€Å"Ministry of Love† There are no windows and the lights are constantly on. Suddenly the statement â€Å"the place where there is no darkness† comes into focus. What had seemed like a positive analogy with the Darkness alluding to the unpleasant world of 1984 is turned on its head. What was really meant was that the place where there is no darkness is actually a jail, where the lights are never turned off. Winston still has a blind faith in O’Brien and futilely believes that O’Brien may try and save him. However, O’Brien and Winston are about to meet again, but their relationship is about to enter a new stage. When O’Brien appears at the door of his cell, Winston even now deludes himself into thinking that O’Brien has been captured. However he soon puts Winston straight indicating that he is Winston’s incarcerator and telling him â€Å"You knew this Winston† and adds â€Å"you have always known it† (both Page 251). After a series of beating that degrade Winston to a state of almost complete humiliation, O’Brien begins to interrogate him. O’Brien begins by breaking him down with a series of torture techniques and drugs. In one instance, O’Brien takes Winston’s symbolic stance that â€Å"Freedom is the Freedom to say 2 + 2 = 4† and through a series of Electrocutions makes Winston start to believe that 2 + 2 actually = 5. O’Brien tells Winston that by controlling memory and records, that â€Å"The Party† can dictate reality â€Å"who controls the past controls the future and who controls the future controls the past† (Page 260). O’Brien also tells Winston that they do not intend to punish him, but simply convert him to their ways of thought, before he is executed. O’Brien has undoubtedly become Winston’s tormentor, putting him through horrendous torture. He has broken Winston down and begins to undermine all of his free thinking ideas. O’Brien and Winston move toward a Teacher/Pupil relationship. Like a promising student Winston questions O’Brien’s beliefs, forcing him to justify them. Whilst O’Brien almost sees Winston as a proti gi e, trying to show Winston the error of his ways â€Å"He had the air of a Doctor, a Teacher, even a Priest, anxious to explain and persuade rather than punish. † O’Brien also displays an ability to read Winston’s mind. It may be that he has a telepathic power, but it could also be the scientific approach that O’Brien seems to take with everything he does. He is an expert in the subject of thought. I believe that he has studied Winston in immense detail over many years and can actually predict his thought patterns. O’Brien has already thought out their conversations in his head and predicted Winston’s responses. He is an experienced interrogator and probable member of the Thought Police. It is likely he is able to pick up from a person’s expressions and body language what they may be thinking. I also think that the link between them may have seen O’Brien take a special interest in Winston, maybe the same thought patterns had crossed O’Brien’s mind at some stage in his life. Eventually Winston is almost completely â€Å"cured†. However, he retains his love of Julia. O’Brien decides to expose him to his worst fear in Room 101. Winston wears a mask that allows rats to be released on his face. He has an immense fear of Rat’s and finally screams out for them to be released on Julia instead of him. Finally O’Brien has reached through into his soul and Winston is truly defeated. The book ends with Winston drinking coffee in a bar where Traitors live out their days before execution. Winston has abandoned all his ideas of free thought and rebellion. He realises that rather than hating Big Brother, he actually loves Big Brother. O’Brien and Winston’s relationship goes through several stages. It starts with Winston seeing O’Brien as a hope, somebody who might be having the same thoughts as him. Then he believes O’Brien will be the freedom fighter who will put an end to the totalitarian state the world has become. Finally he becomes Winston’s tormentor, inflicting pain on him in order to â€Å"cure† him of his â€Å"disease†. Through all this though O’Brien and Winston’s relationship maintains a theme. Winston looks up to O’Brien as somebody with immense Power, who can protect him and control his destiny. Even during torture when O’Brien is unseen Winston believes he is there, orchestrating the beatings and keeping him alive. He believes blindly throughout that O’Brien is his saviour. In the end perhaps O’Brien does become his saviour. Winston finally is released from the fear of Big Brother and detection for thought crime. He loves Big Brother and looks forward to his execution. In the end, despite the tragedy of his failure, Winston finally seems to be able to face his fate alone.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Lightweight vs. heavyweight construction and their implication to Essay

Lightweight vs. heavyweight construction and their implication to energy efficiency in non-domestic buildings - Essay Example Since the effectiveness of the above strategies is related to the thermal mass of the building, the selection of the construction type is crucial. Considering that each type of construction has advantages and disadvantages in terms of energy efficiency, it is difficult to indicate which type of construction is likely to be more effective. Nevertheless, energy efficiency may be achievable when the advantages of both types of construction are exploited. It is well known that, almost half of the delivered energy is being used by buildings (Bellew, 2000). Energy is consumed in buildings for space and water heating, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning systems and general electrical services (Nicholls, 2002). In order to meet the above description, which is necessary both for survival and adequate levels of comfort it is important to consider the type of construction that consumes energy efficiently. In addition to this, the aim of this paper is to assess the methods used in each type of construction - lightweight or heavyweight- in order to provide efficient energy performance in conjunction with comfort in buildings. Energy efficient buildings are characterised by maximum utilization of natural means that result in minimised energy demand for heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting (Goulding & Lewis, 1994). According to this, methods such as natural ventilation, passive cooling, day lighting and effective use of external (solar) and internal heat gains are the main natural means that define energy efficient buildings. It is also important mentioning that, energy efficiency is specified by the effective use of natural means on the fabric of the building. As such, natural means present different performance when reacting with different fabrics. Nonetheless, energy efficiency of buildings is achievable when a well-managed combination of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

You have chosen to return to college to finish your degree. Describe Essay

You have chosen to return to college to finish your degree. Describe reasons why you made this decision and persuade a friend to do the same - Essay Example In the first decade of the 21st century the United States lost 5.8 million manufacturing jobs (Americanmanufacturing, 2011). The jobs available in the US marketplace have shifted into the knowledge and service economy. In order to compete in the new job marketplace it is imperative to obtain a formal education at an accredited college or university. Without a college degree the only jobs that are available are minimum wage jobs and even those are becoming scarcer and companies are diluting those jobs by offering part-time instead of full-time employment. The unemployment rate in the United States has gone up during the last few years. The unemployment in the United States in July 2011 was 9.1% (Bls, 2011). Due to the fact that more people are unemployed the level of competition was gone up and people that have better credentials are getting the jobs in the marketplace. The most important educational credential employers seek in new recruits is a college education. I have realized that the only way for me to get a good job is to go back to school to earn a degree. A college education increases a person’s chances to get a job and the job obtained will have higher wages. A person with a bachelor’s degree will earn an extra $0.9 million over their lifetime in comparison to a high school graduate; while people with a master’s degree will earn $1.3 more than a high school diploma and $0.4 million more than a bachelor’s degree (Longley, 2011). The past constraints that sometimes hurt the ability of adults to obtain a college education no longer apply. For instance a working adult sometimes had the excuse that he could not go back to college because of employment obligations. Time used to be a variable that hurt a lot of working adults. Due to advances in technology there are solutions available for working adults. Online universities such as the